Nuvve and 2021.AI Announce Plans to Increase Artificial Intelligence Capabilities of Nuvve’s V2G Platform
Nuvve and 2021.AI to form join venture, Astrea AI, to integrate artificial intelligence platform into Nuvve’s GIVe V2G platform.
Nuvve and AFA JCDecaux Celebrate Five Years of Commercial Business
Nuvve and AFA JCDecaux reach the milestone of five years of continuous, commercial V2G operations in Denmark.
Frederiksberg LokalTV
Paul Chapman fra Nuvve der har været med til at lave deres elbil-løsning. Hør bl.a. om V2G, der er en smartere måde at oplade sin elbil på.
Nuvve and Frederiksberg Forsyning Celebrate 5 Years of Continuous V2G Operations
Nuvve and Frederiksberg Forsyning have reached a milestone as they observe their 5-year anniversary of when Nuvve started commercial V2G operations for their fleet in 2016.
Nuvve Joins V2Market Partnership to Expand Vehicle-to-Grid Markets in Europe
Nuvve announced today that its subsidiary, Nuvve Denmark ApS, will be a partner in a new Horizon 2020 (“H2020”) project called V2Market, which is aiming to develop business models for [...]
Dansk startup indgår banebrydende aftale med global aktør om det nordeuropæiske energimarked
Amerikanske Nuvve og danske Spirii indgår samarbejde om intelligent elbil-ladning, som er optimeret til at udnytte vedvarende energi.