
Project Overview

BD4OPEM stands for Big Data for Open Innovation Energy Marketplace and is a Horizon 2020 (H2020) project funded by the European Commission. BD4OPEM’s objectives are to design, develop, and deploy a marketplace for large-scale, multi-party data exchanges, management, governance and real-time processing of energy-related data in smart distribution grids. This will enable the reliable operation of these grids while providing innovative energy services through an open, modular data analytics toolbox, and deploying a generic format for data in the data lake.

To accomplish this, a wide range of stakeholders involved in the energy domain including distribution system operators (DSOs), aggregators, software integrators, and developers, are collaborating to conceptualize the marketplace and data analytics toolbox to resolve today’s limitations of fragmented data and systems and create a flexible Big Data ecosystem that creates possibilities of new services in the energy market.

Nuvve expects this project to help define data services for utilities, energy suppliers and grid operators, for example by providing them better visibility on their balance perimeter or network, while protecting the privacy of consumers.


January 2020 – June 2023


Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Belgium, Slovenia


UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Odit-e (ODT) (France)
Atos Research and Innovation (ATOS) (Spain)
We Plus (WEP) (Italy)
Intracom Telecom (ICOM) Greece)
Sustainable Innovation (SUST) (Sweden)
Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) (Slovenia)
Nuvve (NUV) (Denmark)
Osmangazi Electric Distribution Inc. (OEDAS) (Turkey)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Belgium)
Estabanell & Pahisa s.a. (EyPESA) (Spain)
Elektro Celje (ELCE) (Slovenia)


Coming soon


– Provide expertise in asset and investment planning
– Monetization of the generated data (through additional services to third parties)

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